Each year in Forsyth County, several thousand high school juniors and seniors participate in community-led mock interviews through their third-year career pathway course or through their participation in Internship Forsyth or Mentorship Forsyth. A mock interview provides students with a professional one-on-one opportunity to practice their interviewing and resume writing skills with a member of the business community. The experience also allows students immediate verbal and written feedback from the business community regarding their interview performance, resume, and professional dress. Thanks to support from the Forsyth County Chamber, the Rotary Clubs of Forsyth County, and other business/industry/community volunteers, all eight high schools participate in this meaningful experience.
Interested in volunteering?Our students are looking forward to this opportunity as they experience how to search, prepare, and apply for a job. We are searching for interviewers from the business community and would appreciate any help you can give us in finding qualified interviewers. Interviewers do not have to have interviewing experience, as we will make sure they are supported and have a script to follow. Please visit the sign-up links below!
If possible, we are asking that interviewers stay all day for one or more days; however, there are some openings for half-day slots if you are unable to interview for an entire day. The interviews for each student will be 10 - 15 minutes in length and generic in content. Additionally, any employer ready to hire students may use this opportunity to actually conduct "live" interviews.
For additional questions or suggestions, contact Brandi Cannizzaro at 770-887-2461 or bcannizzaro@forsyth.k12.ga.us.