Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education
Page Navigation
- About
- District CTAE Directory
- CTAE MS & HS Pathways
- Business & Industry Involvement
CTAE Programs
- Advisory Board Involvement
- CTAE Awards
- CTAE College & Career Discovery for 8th Grade Students
- CTAE Student Ambassadors
- CTAE Student Organizations (CTSOs)
- Career Camps
- Dress for Success
- Employability Skills Student Resources
- Internship Forsyth (Work-Based Learning)
- Junior Achievement 3DE Leadership Academy
- Junior Achievement Discovery Center
- LAUNCH Work Ready Program
- Mock Interviews
- Workforce Forsyth
- CTAE Spotlight/Updates
- Dual Enrollment
- FCS Career Planner
- Student Job Board
FCS College & Career Development/CTAE (Career, Technical, and Agriculture Education) seeks to provide an on-going partnership between education and business/industry to prepare the students of Forsyth County with the skills necessary to meet world-class standards, successfully continue life-long learning, and enter the marketplace as productive citizens. Our students participate in career pathways that provide seamless instruction in career and technical education that connects academic and technical skills to future educational and career opportunities. Options within the program offer curriculum and instruction linked to industry standards in labs featuring the latest technology and equipment replicating simulated work environments. Successful completion of a career pathway also allows students to industry credentialing required in today's job market.
Explore this page for information about:
- CTAE MS/HS Pathways and CTSOs
- Workforce Development Strategy
- Business and Industry Involvement
- Advisory Council Participation
- CTAE Excellence Awards Program
- Internship Forsyth
- Mock Interviews
- Launch Work Ready Program
- Dual Enrollment
- ...and much more about our programs!