• Teaching and Learning Department

    Strategic Waivers School System (SWSS) Partnership

    House Bill 502 went into effect on July 1, 2015, resulting in districts that chose the IE2 flexibility option being henceforth known as Strategic Waivers School Systems (SWSS).

    SWSS is a result of House Bill 1209, which was signed into law during the 2008 Georgia Legislative Session.  O.C.G.A. § 20-2-84 requires each local school system to notify the Georgia Department of Education of its intention of operating as a Strategic Waivers School System, a Charter System, or a Title 20/No Waivers School System no later than June 30, 2015.  
    The SWSS partnership contract is between a local school district and the State Board of Education. The primary goal of the SWSS partnership contract is to attain the flexibility to think innovatively about services to students in order to maximize student achievement and meet strategic plan goals. The SWSS Partnership Contract provides the opportunity for schools to deliver the instructional programs they believe will best ensure the success of their students.  
    Forsyth County Schools elected to operate as an IE2 school system and entered into an initial partnership contract with the State Board of Education in August of 2009. The contract was extended to June 30, 2015 in order to allow time for review of the fifth and final year of student achievement data. The second Strategic Waiver School System contract term was 2015-2022, and the contract was amended to extend through 2024 due to the suspension of accountability measures during the pandemic.

    Current FCS Strategic Plan

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