- Liberty Middle
- Overview
Welcome to the World Languages Department Homepage!
In 8th grade, eligible students take Spanish I. Students receive 1 credit towards high school graduation upon successful completion of the course.
The Forsyth County World Languages Pacing Guide outlines the academic content that will be covered in the class. Students learn vocabulary and grammar that allows them to express ideas and ask and answer questions about each unit theme. The curriculum ties directly to the State of Georgia Performance Standards for World Languages Level 1, which can be viewed at Spanish 1 Standards
Students relate their developing new language to what they already know about English and to other content they are studying by examining roots and words that are connected across disciplines.
Students participate in a variety of learning activities which include whole-group, small-group, paired, and individual instruction and practice. They may practice skits, chants, songs, and dialogues to use the language in a natural context. Students create their own resource notebook as they add pages of notes, practice work, and reflections to their Personalized Interactive Portfolio.
Teachers: Mrs. Erinne Aponte, Mrs. Carla Mir, and Mr. Alain Rodriguez