
     The RMS Athletic Department will strive to produce  premiere athletic programs through high-quality coaches and coaching. Our athletics program will produce young men and women that are prepared to be leaders in our community. Riverwatch Middle School Athletics will always keep our “why” at the core of our actions to insure that all athletes grow personally and athletically during their time spent as a student-athlete. Riverwatch Middle School Athletics will embody selflessness, hard-work, grit, and integrity.
    We appreciate your support of the Riverwatch Panther Athletics Department. Please click on the links to the left to find information on the team sports offered at RMS. Click on the Panther Links below for other athletic items of interest at Riverwatch Middle School.
    Heather Lundy, Athletic Director
    Business Support:
    We would like to extend a special thank you to the area businesses that support all of the Panther Athletic Programs. Through their generosity, Riverwatch is able to provide the highest quality athletic programs. Please support these community businesses; let them know when you do that you are from RMS and you appreciate all they do!  Please see link below.

    Ticket Information:
    All ticket sales will be handled through GO Fan. Please visit our page for purchasing information!


    Athletic Eligibility:
    Students who want to try out for Riverwatch Middle School Athletics must satisfy the following requirements before they can tryout.

    1. Students must pass 5 of 7or 6 of 8 classes to be eligible to tryout for any sport per last semester.

    2. Students must have an updated insurance and physical form completed to be eligible to tryout for any sport. These forms are only valid for one year from the date of the physical. More information on those forms can be found here. If you cannot print this form, see one of the RMS coaches for copies. They can also be found in the school's front office.
    Student Behavior at Athletic Events:
    Students who attend athletic events will be accountable to RMS school rules. Parents or guardians will be asked to pick up student if school rules are broken. 
    For additional information or questions, please feel free to contact our system athletics director via phone or email. 
    FCSS Athletics & Activities Director
    770-888-3466 x 4