    Cafeteria Manager: Ms. Tamie Cagle
    Contact information: 770-888-3470, ext. 331626 or  TCagle@forsyth.k12.ga.us
    Breakfast is served beginning at 7:45 a.m.  

    Download the MealViewer app from the Apple App Store or from the Android Google Play Store. 

    Meal Viewer App for School Lunches ...

    You can view our school breakfast and lunch items and customize student profiles to check for allergies, nutrition, and carb counts.  

    MealViewer app and online menus 


    Meals that can be modified to accommodate the requirement for Gluten-free selections can be viewed on the page Requesting Dietary Modifications for Student Meals.

    Payment for School Lunches


    Students can pay by cash or via an account at MySchoolBucks. Students and parents are responsible for maintaining their accounts as the lunchroom cannot manage those for students.  
    If your family is in need of Free or Reduced Lunch services, please access our free/reduced lunch form.



Last Modified on August 21, 2024