- Lakeside Middle
- Lakeside Athletics
Welcome to Lakeside Lions AthleticsWe are truly excited for the 2024-2025 Athletic season at Lakeside. Please visit this website often for updates.
We appreciate your support of the Lakeside Lions Athletic Department!
Please click on the links to the left to find information on the athletic teams offered.
2024-2025 Lakeside Lions Coaching StaffIf you have any further questions,
contact Jessica Davis, Athletic Director at Jdavis@forsyth.k12.ga.usForsyth County Middle School Athletics Website
-this site features all the latest news in all FCMS athletics-Athletic Announcements:
Ticket Information for all HOME Athletic Events
General Admission tickets: $5.00 at the gate (cash or check is accepted)
GOFAN digital ticketing: $5.00 plus a $1.00 GOFAN online payment fee
Link to buy on GOFANLooking for a Season Pass that allows attendance for TWO people for EVERY Lakeside HOME athletic event?
Join PTO’s with the Lion’s Pack Membership for $125 and receive Two Season Passes for Lakeside Events.
Link for PTO MembershipAthletic Eligibility:
Students who want to try out for Lakeside Lions Athletics must satisfy the following requirements before they can tryout.1. Students must pass 5 of 7 or 6 of 8 classes to be eligible to tryout for any sport per last semester.
2. Students must have an updated concussion, insurance and physical form completed to be eligible to tryout for any sport. These forms are only valid for one year from the date of the physical. These forms can be printed by clicking on the link on the Athletic Forms tab on the left of the screen. If you cannot print this form, see one of the Lakeside coaches for copies.Parking for Football and Basketball Games:
For all HOME athletic events at Lakeside, please park in one of these available parking lots found in the Haw Creek-front entrance of school and bus parking on backside of Haw Creek and Lakeside front entrance. If your child attended the game, please pick your child up after the game at the front entrance of Lakeside gym. Families attending games, please enter from Echols Road entrance.
Student Behavior at Athletics Events:
Students can stay after school for all home athletic events. Students will be monitored in the cafeteria and gym by a school employee. Students who attend athletic events will be accountable to Lakeside school rules. Students should not leave campus for any reason during an event unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents or guardians will be asked to pick up student if school rules are broken. Please help to ensure good sportsmanship at all Lakeside Athletic Events
by reviewing our Sportsmanship GuidelinesTicket Information:
Tickets are $5 for general admission only for Football and Basketball Games as well as Track Meets.
All proceeds from fundraising go toward supporting the Lakeside Athletic Programs.
Funds raised pay for clinics, custodians, EMT services, equipment, game workers, police officers, uniforms, and any other extra duties.Sponsors and Business Support:
We would like to extend a special thank you to the area businesses that support all of the Lakeside Lions Athletic Programs. Through their generosity, Lakeside is able to provide the highest quality Athletic Programs. Please support these community businesses; let them know when you do that you are from Lakeside and you appreciate all they do!
Georgia Natural Gas Fundraising Program:
Georgia Natural Gas is offering a program to every middle and high school in Forsyth County that has the potential to raise a significant amount of money for our school.
Georgia Natural Gas Flyer coming soon.Tip Sheet for Heat Related Illnesses
Hydration and Exercise Tips for AthletesProper Hydration-Urine Color Chart for Young Athletes
CDC Concussion Information Part 1
CDC Concussion Information Part II