Title I
What is Title 1?
Title 1 Part A is a part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This act provides federal funds through the Georgia Department of Education to local educational agencies and public schools with high numbers or percentages of poor children to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. Schools in Forsyth County that are eligible for these federal funds include Cumming Elementary, Chattahoochee Elementary, and Otwell Middle.
GADOE approved July 24, 2024
The CLIP is reviewed each year for the effectiveness of the actions, programs, and strategies implemented to meet the goals and is revised/written as a result of the District's Comprehensive Needs Assessment. A team is organized to make revisions to the plan based on current assessment data, demographics, and feedback from stakeholders. Community surveys and needs assessment surveys from Title I school and parent workshops are analyzed, and the feedback is used in revisions. The application is available for public comment and review.
Any questions or comments regarding this document may be directed to the Federal Programs office at 770-887-2461 Amy Chang (amychang@forsyth.k12.ga.us)
Parent and Family Engagement
Increasing family engagement is a goal of the Title I program. The purpose of parental involvement under Title I is to promote active engagement among local school officials and staff, education leaders, technical assistance providers, parents, parent advocacy organizations, parental involvement coordinator/liaisons, and others working to improve student achievement and learning. Each Title I school has an Advisory Committee that works together to recommend and implement a strong family engagement program. One or more of the school committee members also represent the system by participation on the District Advisory committee. This committee reviews current policy and procedures for ensuring that parent involvement is primary goal of the Title I program.
Revised June 14, 2023
ESSA Complaint Procedures
Other Parent Tools
For additional information on Forsyth County Schools' Federal Program Services contact:
Amy Chang, Director of Federal Programs, 770-887-2461 ext. 202246
Amy Gravitt, District Family Engagement Coordinator, 77--887-2461 ext. 202243
Kim Pluhar, Homeless Education Liaison, 678-947-0274 ext 312716
Eron Cooper, Foster Care Point of Contact, 770-887-8151 ext 111134
For more information on Title I visit: