• Welcome to the Social Studies Department at Liberty Middle School! 

     World map

    6th and 7th grade Social Studies
    Students will use a curriculum designed to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a society that is culturally diverse, democratic, and globally interdependent. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of social studies and learn to apply the skills necessary for processing information.  Students will demonstrate an awareness of and respect for cultural diversity and democratic principles. Finally, students will actively participate in civic processes and evaluate the nature of a global community.
    The course will utilize the five themes of geography (location, human environment, interaction, movement, and regions) to explore select areas of the world. Emphasis is placed on historical context, economics, and the interactions/ relationships these areas have with the United States.
    Course Outline:
    6th Grade
    - Europe
    - Latin America
    - Canada
    - Australia and Oceania
    - Personal Finance
    7th Grade
    - Middle East
    - Africa
    - Asia
    - Personal Finance
    6th Grade

    John Clark Byrd (Department Chair): Ex. 290239 jbyrd@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    James Ditty: Ex. 290240,  jditty@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    Robert Dodd: Ex. 290236,  rdodd@forsyth.k12.ga.us


    7th Grade

    Kelli Oglesby: Ex. 290359, f38110@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    John Orr: Ex. 290360, f43840@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    Holly Smyre: Ex. 290355, hsmyre@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    8th grade Georgia Studies 
    Students trace the history of Georgia in the context of the development of the South and the United States. The chronological focus of the course includes a geographic overview, earliest inhabitants of Georgia, foundation of Georgia in the eighteenth century through the state’s development in the twentieth century. Students also examine the characteristics of state government, public issues and citizen rights and responsibilities. In addition, the students will explore contemporary and historical comparisons of state and national political institutions.
    Course Outline 
    - Geography of Georgia
    - Archaeology, Prehistoric Inhabitants, and European Exploration (10,000 B.C.-1732)
    - Colonial Georgia (1733-1775)
    - The American Revolution (1776-1783)
    - Federalism and American Citizenship/ State and Local Government
    - Early Statehood, Indian Removal and Westward Expansion (1783-1838)
    - Antebellum Georgia (1838-1860)
    - The Civil War (1861-1865)
    - Reconstruction and New South (1866-1889)
    - Progressive Era and World War I (1889-1919)
    - Roaring ‘20s, Depression, New Deal, and World War II (1920-1945)
    - Georgia in the Modern Era (1946-2006)
    8th Grade Team

    Bentley Chronic: Ex. 290704, bcronic@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    Robert Jenkins: Ex. 290703, rjenkins@forsyth.k12.ga.us

Last Modified on August 12, 2024