• International Exchange Students

    Forsyth County Schools is now accepting International Exchange Students. We have included some further guidelines and information for the 2025-2026 school year below.  

    1. Application Window– January 31, 2025 - March 31,2025.   Deadline is March 31,2025.
    2. We only accept applications for international exchange students from CSIET-approved exchange organizations.
    3. Exchange organizations may send applications to Mrs. Allison Rinehart at arinehart@forsyth.k12.ga.us for applications to Denmark, North Forsyth, East Forsyth, and West Forsyth High School and Ms. Spencer O’Grady at sogrady@forsyth.k12.ga.us for applications to Alliance Academy for Innovation, South  Forsyth, Forsyth Central, and Lambert High School. 
    4. Principals are given the autonomy to approve or deny acceptance of any International Exchange students to their school.
    5. All Exchange programs must be approved by CSIET (The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel) and registered through the Forsyth County Schools System.
    6. For further information, please access our Exchange Student Board Policy 

    If you wish to apply, please contact one of the following International Exchange Team Members below. Thank you!


    Dr. Melanie Dunn

    Teaching and Learning, Forsyth County Board of Education

    770-887-2461 ext. 202249



    Allison Rinehart, School Counselor

    East Forsyth High School

    770-888-1235 ext. 461047



    Spencer O'Grady, School Counselor

    Lambert High School

    678-965-5050 ext. 411061
