Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education
Page Navigation
- About
- District CTAE Directory
- CTAE MS & HS Pathways
- Business & Industry Involvement
CTAE Programs
- Advisory Board Involvement
- CTAE Awards
- CTAE College & Career Discovery for 8th Grade Students
- CTAE Student Ambassadors
- CTAE Student Organizations (CTSOs)
- Career Camps
- Dress for Success
- Employability Skills Student Resources
- Internship Forsyth (Work-Based Learning)
- Junior Achievement 3DE Leadership Academy
- Junior Achievement Discovery Center
- LAUNCH Work Ready Program
- Mock Interviews
- Workforce Forsyth
- CTAE Spotlight/Updates
- Dual Enrollment
- FCS Career Planner
- Student Job Board
A career pathway is a coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career-related courses starting in the ninth or tenth grade, leading to an industry-recognized certificate, licensure, and possible post-secondary credit, and assisting students in their transition to the workforce, military, or post-secondary education. Enrolling in a career pathway allows students an educational plan in high school that prepares students for future careers, jobs, or occupations. Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) provides students with the opportunity to select at least three sequenced courses in a career pathway. Selection of a pathway is based on self-awareness and the investigation of occupations plus related educational levels aligned with the pathway. Most high-demand, high-skilled, high-wage occupations in all concentrations still require education beyond high school.
CTAE Pathway Detail
- A/V Technology and Film
- Advanced Accounting
- Allied Health and Medicine
- Architectural Drawing and Design
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automotive Technology
- Biotechnology
- Business Accounting
- Carpentry/Construction
- Clinical Lab
- Cloud Computing
- Companion Animal Systems
- Computer Science
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Cybersecurity
- Drone/Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Early Childhood Education
- Education as a Profession
- Emergency Medical Responder
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Engineering and Technology
- Entrepreneurship
- Esthetics
- Fashion, Merchandising, and Retail Management
- Film Production
- Financial Services
- FinTech
- Firefighting
- Flight Operations
- Game Design
- Graphic Design
- Heavy Equipment Operations
- Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism
- Human Resources Management
- Interiors, Fashion, and Textiles
- International Business
- Landscape Management
- Law Enforcement (Criminal Investigation)
- Law Enforcement (Forensic Science)
- Legal Services (Applications of Law)
- Marketing and Management
- Marketing Communications and Promotions
- Mechatronics
- Nutrition and Food Science
- Phlebotomy
- Programming
- Public Health
- Sports and Entertainment Marketing
- Sports Medicine
- Veterinary Science
- Web Development
Specialized Programs
- 3DE Leadership Academy (WFHS)
- Central Film Academy (FCHS)
- Humanities Academy (FCHS)
- International Baccalaureate (SFHS)
- JROTC - Marines (NFHS)
- STEM Academy (FCHS)